Hi, my name is

Armaan Mishra.

<I code and build things for the web/>

I'm a Software Engineer and a Full Stack Web Developer.

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About Me

Hey! My name is Armaan Mishra. I've been passionate about coding since my childhood. I love building things, especially for the web. Sometimes, I make digital art.


HTMLCSSJavascriptReactNext.JsC++PythonTailwind CSSREST APINode.JsJavaFirebaseData Structures & AlgorithmsTypeScript


A SaaS in which users can chat with a pdf using AI.

Users can upload a pdf and chat with it. Pdf size is limited to 4MB for free users. Users can subscribe to upload larger documents and get higher quality responses while chatting with the pdf.

Technologies used- Next.JS, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, Typescript, OpenAI API, Pinecone DB


A cloud based password manager with encryption and advanced features.

Users can add/delete/remove passwords.Passwords are encrypted on the client side with 256 bit AES encryption.It has a random password generator which generates strong random passwords based on the user preferences.

Technologies used- React, Firebase

Spotify Music Card

A web app which shows users top tracks/artists in an aesthetic format using the Spotify Web API.

Users can see their top tracks/artists of different time periods. This data is only available through the Spotify Web API and not on the spotify application or website.

Technologies used- Next.Js, Tailwind CSS, Spotify Web API

Cat Albums

A web app which uses the LastFM API to search for music albums and display it in a cool way.

Users can search for albums, switch between different cats and downlaod the final image. It uses HTML Canvas to render the images.

Technologies used- Next.Js, Tailwind CSS, Typescript, Shad-Cn UI

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